Our Services

We offer a range of services, including one-on-one healing sessions, and retreat style workshops. Our areas of expertise include Shamanic ceremony, yin yoga, meditation, reiki, group coaching, creative workshops, and personal development. Contact us today to learn more about how I can help you achieve your goals.



Join us for a getaway like no other. Immerse yourself in a lifestyle creation.


Body Moves

Build your self-care routine with morning power moves and evening yin yoga sessions.


Allow yourself to be guided into your natural state of healing and love


Feel your energy shift into wellness


Shamanic Ceremony​

Release and renew through ceremony geared to you​

Light Energy Connection

Connect your body with your light energy and allow the healing to begin

Creative Workshops

Discover your passion for creation

Personal Growth

Align with your authentic self

Healing through creation

Freedom to be you

Through collaboration we help you discover your strengths and develop strategies for achieving a life you have been waiting for