Healing Through creation

Our Story

I began the journey into creating Soulfully Grateful in the same place that you are in today. Knowing I want better for my life. Knowing I need to heal in order to move forward. Knowing that I am the only one who can make it happen. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire people to live a lifestyle that is aligned with their authentic self. Believing that everyone has the potential to create positive change in their lives, we are here to support your journey towards self discovery and transformation

Why Choose Us


This journey is about you.


The space to get into the flow of creation.


Looking at life from a different angle.


Connect to your inner creation 

Client Testimonials

“Thanks so much for the insight into my kidneys. Since our visit, I have had a bout with possible Kidney stones or diabetic ketoacidosis. I would have continued to think the pain was just my back being out from the weight of my backpack had it not been for your channeling this awareness related to my kidneys, which could have been a serious health crisis. I am forever grateful. Thank you so very much Carla. Take care”
“You are the best, I am still in an amazing headspace. You cleared out all that useless chatter in my head ”
“Wowza, I felt a ton there. Not sure if my guieds were here or you, but I felt pressure on my temples, forehead and throat. That felt like Theta brain wave state for sure, super cool meditation”